Learn How to Spot an Addiction in A Loved One at Skyward

Around 22.1 million Americans were deemed addicted to drugs or alcohol in 2010. The abuser may think that abusing drugs and alcohol is okay. It is common for addicts to deny they have a problem with substance abuse. Addiction may develop fast if it is not identified early enough. Fortunately, there are several telltale signs to keep an eye out for.  If someone displays signs of addiction, it is imperative to get expert help. The stakes might be life or death when it comes to addiction and substance abuse. We’ll discuss the early signs of addiction that you should be aware of in this post.

Signs of Addiction

Signs of a substance addiction vary depending on the individual, the substance they are abusing, and their unique use patterns. Not everyone who suffers from addiction uses drugs or alcohol every day. Since everyone’s symptoms may differ, there are no “common indications” of addiction.

Continued use of a drug despite its adverse consequences in at least one key area of life is a telltale symptom of addiction. Examples of areas where a person may face consequences include the following:

  • Physical wellbeing. Sleep disturbances, fast weight loss, and poor personal hygiene (such as heavy drug use that damages a person’s heart and liver) are physical well-being issues.
  • Disorders of the mind (i.e., increased irritability, impaired judgment, mood swings, or feeling more anxious, insecure, or depressed)
  • Personal connections with other people (i.e., more conflicts because of substance use, less social interaction, more isolation, etc.)
  • Work-related (i.e., missing work, skipping class, being late on assignments or projects, unable to concentrate or focus on a task, etc.)
  • Flow of money (i.e., not being able to pay bills, maintain stable housing, or take care of expenses because of the high cost of drug or alcohol habits)

These signs may be more challenging to spot in adolescents and young adults. See if you can see any of these warning signs in your teen.

Changes in Mood and Behavior

Addiction sufferers often experience psychological and behavioral changes. Friends and family members may notice some of the following signs of addiction:

  • Increased irritability
  • Drug-related paraphernalia (including pipes, rolled-up notes, scales, etc.)
  • The inability to fulfill commitments or pledges
  • Exclusion from or retreat from social groups
  • Loss of awareness or forgetfulness
  • Unexplained absences
  • Due to a loss in weight, one’s look may change.

What Should You Do If You Believe a Loved One Is Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol?

When it comes to hiding their addiction, addicts go to great lengths. The problem is that things aren’t always so simple.  You’ll be able to detect the clear signs of addiction. Nevertheless, what should you do if you believe a loved one has a drug or alcohol problem? Drug and alcohol treatment centers can provide you with professional advice. In many cases, addicts think that they can overcome addiction independently, but this is rarely the case. Get in touch with Skyward Treatment Center, a Houston-based rehab center to learn more about drug and addiction therapy.